Monday, January 12, 2009

Purpose of the Conservative Solidarity Boycott Movement

The Conservative movement is fragmented into many small and often single issue groups. Examples include the Pennsylvania Republican Assembly or the Coalition for a Conservative Majority. Each are going their own way yet have overlapping goals. There is much talk of consolidating all these groups into a single Conservative movement but this is not realistic. There is a philosophical and behavioral alternative I have devised to give all these groups a point of convergence called The Conservative Solidarity Boycott Movement. Below is a synopsis.Purpose of the Conservative Solidarity Boycott Movement:
To deny as much wealth as legally possible that Conservatives create from enemies of freedom and the Constitution.

Who are the enemy:
Our enemies include all Liberal gay, environmental, animal rights, and pro-abortion groups. They include most of the Hollywood types both in front and behind the lens. They include any well known businesses that support Leftist causes like Starbucks, Ben and Jerry, Home Depot etc. They include both the Democrat and Republican Parties. It also includes the Government of the United States of America. This list is by no means complete.

Who are our friends:
Conservatives within organizations such as the Republican Assemblies or the Coalition for a Conservative Majority or many pro-life or Second Amendment organizations. A very few elected Republican officials. Regional players outside the Republican Party Good Old Boys. Many small business owners, retail and professional.

Constructive behavior:
Identify these friendly organizations and support them. Conservative merchants should post a small red-white-blue heart with or without stars on their front door as a signal to Conservatives. If a Liberal asks the meaning, the owner need only say he loves America. There should not be a single heart design as this would eventually tip off a Liberal bright enough to catch on.

As a group of fellow patriots, we support each over while hastening the collapse of the coming socialist state. We are clearly headed down the same path the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics followed. Once our Soviet state collapses we or the next generation of Conservatives will emerge, hopefully with our wealth and ability to generate wealth intact.

Time to start the Conservative Solidarity Boycott Movement: NOW!


  1. So someone who supports animal rights can't be a conservative or as stated above is an enemy. I guess that tears it for me.

  2. start a conservative animal humane movement.the leftist have been useing them as fronts for years.make sure yours is about animals not as a fund raiser for politics
    it is not enough to speak truth,one must live it.
